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Documentary Film Proposal 

Your documentary film proposal is the big daddy of your film fundraising arsenal.

Do not be afraid or overwhelmed at the prospect of constructing your documentary film proposal. You may find that it is actually a constructive experience once you begin to delve into it.

Plus, I'm here to talk you through every step and the community are just a click away with support and feedback.

So let's jump in!

Why You Need A Documentary Film Proposal

Your documentary film proposal can have many functions and be utilized in many ways, but it is essentially a business plan for film

It is where you curate all your film details; the story, your vision, your funding strategy, audience engagement, your distribution and marketing strategies and much more.

Compiling your film proposal is essential if you want to make the most of your fundraising options, but truthfully, it will assist you in every phase and aspect of your filmmaking experience.

Who Will You Share It With And Where Will You Use It?

You will use and share this document in many different ways and with various different people, but it's primary use will be fundraising.

It will act as a foundational document that you can utilize and refer to as you begin to seek funds. Whether that be through grant funding, crowd funding or individual donations. 

Other possible uses include:

• Key crew members who you are interested in bringing onboard

• Potential fiscal sponsors

• Businesses, corporations and individuals open to offering you significant support 

• Your other team members, especially in the business aspects of your film, such as your fundraising or distribution team

• Potential advisors

• Potential Partners

Your documentary film proposal will not be available to just anyone. Unlike your press kit, it won’t be a download on your website. It is a document that you will have ready to supply to those who need more thorough and precise information on various aspects of your film, because they are potentially becoming involved or supporting it in some way.

How It Helps You, The Filmmaker

Writing your documentary film proposal can be super beneficial for you, the filmmaker, too. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed at the thought of creating your proposal then we would recommend a slight shift in mindset. One that recognises this document can help you greatly with overcoming the feeling of being a ‘deer in the headlights’. 

This is because while you are constructing your documentary film proposal you are forced to determine and refine almost every aspect of your documentary film. You are forced to answer and address many questions that you may, if you’re being honest, have been putting off or avoiding.

If you give time, thought and energy to constructing your proposal then you will have a greater understanding of what you are intending to achieve, a clearer vision and ability to articulate it to others and a strengthened and more focused account of how you can see it through!

Sounds pretty great, right?

Creating Your Documentary Film Proposal

First we recommend you download two documents which will give you a clear idea of the content you will include in your proposal, as well as the format it should take.

This was created through the joint forces of the Sundance Institute and the International Documentary Association and is a common funding application. It is already being adopted by funding bodies and organizations and it is hoped in time will be adopted by most, if not all of them. It was created due to the frustrations of documentary filmmakers forced to write and revise grant applications constantly to meet the varied requirements of various funders and foundations.

It is described as “a collaborative effort by grantors who regularly fund documentary projects to standardize application requirements, with the aim of fostering greater access and a more equitable and sustainable documentary field”.

A step in the right direction for us independent documentary filmmakers who don’t have the resources for extensive writing and rewriting of grant or funding applications or the cash flow to hire a staff that can. I’m sure you’ll agree, the more this is adopted the better and more appealing grant-based funding sources will be!

This document is just something I have put together that incorporates the core application checklist I just mentioned. In it are a few extra sections that may benefit and strengthen your proposal, based on the themes, contributions or relevance for your own film project. Feel free to take a look and use what is relevant to you.

Your Proposal Content

In the following video tutorials I have put together a more detailed breakdown of what you may wish to include in your proposal. I will just add though that they are intended as a guide only. Every film is different so use your discretion to add, amend or omit as you see fit. 

In addition to that, you will have a tone and style that is reflective of your own project and yourself as a filmmaker and that should be brought into the document as well.

Even with The Documentary Core Application as a guide there is no cookie cutter version of a film proposal, so be open to what feels right for your project.


In this video I will give you an overview of what I will cover in the following videos.

Project Description

In this video I go over what to include for each of the six aspects of your project description, which include: your log line, your story summary or synopsis, your interview subjects, narrator or cast, your topic summary, your artistic approach and your project stage and timeline.

Note: You may wish to utilize your elevator pitch to assist in writing your log line. You can find support with that in the Elevator Pitch tutorial.

Audience and distribution

In this video I go over what to include for each of the four aspects of your audience and distribution, which include: distribution and marketing, intended audience, audience engagement and social impact and partnerships.

Key creative personnel

In this video I go over what to include for your key creative personnel, which include: bios of your key creative personnel and advisors and consultants.

Note: You can find more information on forming mutually beneficial partnerships to support your documentary film in the Partnerships tutorial in module 8.

Fundraising strategy and grant impact

In this video I go over what to include for three aspects of your fundraising strategy and grant impact, which include: your fundraising strategy, your funding to date and the amount you are requesting and the impact it will have.

Note: You can find more information, guidance and resources in our extensive and detailed Grant Funding tutorial in module 5.


In this video we work through what to include for your comprehensive documentary film budget.

Note: You can find more information on constructing a comprehensive line item budget in the Documentary Film Budget tutorial.

Work sample

In this video we work through what to include for your work sample, whether that be directors prior work or a current work sample/rough cut.

Supplemental questions and supportive materials

In this video we look at what you may include for any supplemental questions or supportive materials that are requested of you.

Tips and considerations

Watch this video for some tips and considerations relating to your documentary film proposal.

Note: We have added a checklist of the tips and considerations we mention in your Pitches and Proposals Workbook, so unless you want to, there is no need to write them down as you watch the video.

You will most definitely need patience and diligence to complete your documentary film proposal. This is not something you will complete and finalize in a day and there will likely be several drafts and revisions. 

We recommend you work through it section by section and continue to amend it until you are happy with the whole package.


  • Your documentary film proposal is the blueprint of your documentary film and the business plan you need in order to convey to funders your intended vision and life cycle your film will take.

  • In addition to funders you may share it with multiple other people and organizations who need to know more in depth information about your documentary film.

  • It may feel like an overwhelming prospect to create this document, but the advantages to you, as the filmmaker, when you do create it can be astronomical.

Top Resources 

In this episode we talk with Joanna Rabiger, a professional fundraising writer, who gives listeners an insight into what to include in their film proposals and what to omit, as well as the language to use and accompanying materials to help support it.

Proposal Cover Samples.pdf -  We have created some proposal cover templates for you to consider to help you create your own.

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